
September 19, 2022 ERB Meeting

The City of New Orleans Ethics Review Board will meet at New Orleans City Hall, City Council Chambers, 1300 Perdido St, New Orleans, LA 70112, on Monday, September 19, 2022 at 3:30 P.M.


  1. Call to order.
  2. Approval of the minutes of prior board meeting.
  3. Presentation of monthly reports by the Office of Inspector General, Office of Independent Police Monitor, and Ethics Trainer, including questions by board members.
  4. Presentation and discussion of OIG Annual Work Plan for 2023:
  5. Presentation and discussion of OIPM Annual Report:
  6. Report of General Counsel and Executive Administrator.
  7. Report on appointments to Quality Assurance Review Advisory Committees.
  8. Call for nominations and vote on board appointment to QARAC for the OIG to replace Mr. Waring.
  9. Executive session pursuant to Louisiana Revised Statutes sections 42:17 to discuss an investigative proceeding regarding allegations of misconduct related to ERB Complaint No. 2022-02.
  10. Vote in regular session regarding disposition of ERB Complaint No. 2022-02.
  11. Vote to replace Torin Sanders as ERB Chair due to pending resignation as a result of moving out of Orleans Parish.
  12. Call for agenda items for future board meetings.
  13. Adjournment.

Agenda and Attachments in PDF Format

August 15, 2022 ERB Meeting: CANCELLED

The City of New Orleans Ethics Review Board meeting at the New Orleans City Hall, City Council Chambers, 1300 Perdido St, New Orleans, LA 70112 on Monday, August 15, 2022 at 3:30 P.M. is cancelled due to unavailability of Council Chambers.


  1. Call to order.
  2. Approval of the minutes of prior board meeting.
  3. Presentation of monthly reports by the Office of Inspector General, Office of Independent Police Monitor, and Ethics Trainer, including questions by board members.
  4. Presentation and discussion of OIPM 2021 Annual Report:
  5. Report of General Counsel and Executive Administrator.
  6. Report on appointments to Quality Assurance Review Advisory Committees.
  7. Call for nominations and vote on board appointment to QARAC for the OIG to replace Mr. Waring.
  8. Executive session pursuant to Louisiana Revised Statutes sections 42:17 to discuss an investigative proceeding regarding allegations of misconduct related to ERB Complaint No. 2022-02.
  9. Vote in regular session regarding disposition of ERB Complaint No. 2022-02.
  10. Call for agenda items for future board meetings.
  11. Adjournment.

Agenda and Attachments in PDF

June 13, 2022 ERB Meeting

The City of New Orleans Ethics Review Board will meet at New Orleans City Hall, City Council Chambers, 1300 Perdido St, New Orleans, LA 70112, on Monday, June 13, 2022, at 3:30 P.M.


  1. Call to order.
  2. Approval of the minutes of prior board meeting.
  3. Presentation by federal police monitor team regarding progress of federal monitoring of the New Orleans Police Department. Response by Office of Independent Police Monitor (via teleconference or videoconference). Questions by board to federal monitor team and to IPM.
  4. Presentation of monthly reports by the Office of Inspector General, Office of Independent Police Monitor, and Ethics Trainer, including questions by board members.
  5. Report of General Counsel and Executive Administrator.
  6. Report on appointments to Quality Assurance Review Advisory Committees.
  7. Acceptance of nominations for board officer positions in the following sequence: Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary. Vote on each nomination that receives a second.
  8. Call for agenda items for future board meetings.
  9. Adjournment.

PDF of Agenda and Attachments

May 16, 2022 ERB Meeting

The City of New Orleans Ethics Review Board will meet at New Orleans City Hall, City Council Chambers, 1300 Perdido St, New Orleans, LA 70112 on Monday, May 16, 2022, at 3:30 P.M.


  1. Call to order.
  2. Approval of the minutes of prior board meeting.
  3. Presentation of monthly reports by the Office of Inspector General, Office of Independent Police Monitor, and Ethics Trainer, including questions by board members (attached to PDF).
  4. Discussion of Ethics Training Strategic Plan (attached to PDF).
  5. Report of General Counsel and Executive Administrator.
  6. Discussion and vote on by-law amendment to set forth guidelines for appointment of Inspector General and Independent Police Monitor (attached to PDF).
  7. Discussion and vote on ERB appointments to Quality Assurance Review Advisory Committees for OIG and OIPM.
  8. Call for agenda items for future board meetings.
  9. Adjournment.

PDF of Agenda with Attachment

April 18, 2022 ERB Meeting

The City of New Orleans Ethics Review Board will meet at the New Orleans City Hall, City Council Chambers, 1300 Perdido St, New Orleans, LA 70112 on Monday, April 18, 2022, at 3:30 P.M.


  1. Call to order.
  2. Approval of the minutes of prior board meeting.
  3. Presentation of monthly reports by Inspector General, Independent Police Monitor, and Ethics Trainer, including questions by board members.
  4. Brief discussion of Ethics Training Strategic Plan.
  5. Report of General Counsel and Executive Administrator.
  6. Discussion of by-law amendment to set forth guidelines for appointment of Inspector General and Independent Police Monitor.
  7. Call for agenda items for future board meetings.
  8. Adjournment.

Agenda with Attachments (PDF)

April 11, 2022 ERB Meeting to Appoint Independent Police Monitor

The City of New Orleans Ethics Review Board will meet on Monday, April 11, 2022, at 3:30 p.m. The meeting will be conducted in person at New Orleans City Hall, City Council Chambers, 1300 Perdido St, New Orleans, LA 70112.


  1. Call to order.
  2. Approval of the minutes of prior ERB meeting.
  3. Acceptance of public comments on candidates for appointment to IPM position: Stella M. Cziment, Conrad A. Joachim, and Tonya McClary (CVs of candidates). The ERB will accept written comments in advance of the meeting in the form of a PDF document emailed to
  4. Board discussion of candidates for appointment to IPM position.
  5. Board vote on appointment of IPM.
  6. Adjournment.

PDF of Agenda with Attachments

March 21, 2022 ERB Meeting

The City of New Orleans Ethics Review Board will meet on Monday, March 21, 2022, at 3:30 p.m. The meeting will be conducted in person at New Orleans City Hall, City Council Chambers, 1300 Perdido St, New Orleans, LA 70112.


  1. Call to order.
  2. Approval of the minutes of two prior ERB meetings.
  3. Acceptance of written monthly reports from OIG, OIPM, and Ethics Trainer (no oral presentations).
  4. Interviews of candidates for appointment to IPM position: Stella M. Cziment, Conrad A. Joachim, and Tonya McClary (applications attached).
    • Round-robin questions from board to each of the candidates.
    • Opportunity for the public to propose questions for the candidates.
    • Follow up questions from the board to any of the candidates.
  5. Discussion and selection of date for live ERB meeting to select and appoint IPM.
  6. Adjournment.

PDF of Agenda with Attachments

March 10, 2022 ERB Meeting

The City of New Orleans Ethics Review Board will meet on Thursday, March 10, 2022, at 3:30 P.M.

Videoconference Information

The board will conduct this meeting via Zoom Video Conference and Telephone Conference

Video Conference Link:

Telephone Conference Dial-In Number: 312-626-6799; ID No. 504 975 3263

Certification of Necessity pursuant to Louisiana Revised Statutes section 42:17.1: The board hereby certifies that the Governor of the State of Louisiana has declared a state of emergency or disaster involving the geographic area of the City of New Orleans. The governor’s most recent proclamation extending this state of emergency is available here: 18 JBE 2022 State of Emergency COVID (Feb. 16, 2022). A live meeting would be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the public and the members of the Ethics Review Board. The agenda contains matters that are critical to continuation of the business of the Ethics Review Board and are not able to be postponed to a live meeting due to a legal requirement or other deadline that cannot be postponed or delayed by the Ethics Review Board. The public can attend and participate in the videoconference meeting by joining the conference by telephone or videoconference as described above. In addition, public comment prior to the meeting can be provided via email address


  1. Ratification of certification of necessity for videoconference/teleconference meeting.
  2. Executive session pursuant to Louisiana Revised Statutes sections 42:17(1& 4) to discuss the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of a person and investigative proceedings regarding allegations of misconduct related to ERB Complaint Nos. 2021-02, 2022-01, and 2022-02.
  3. Discussion of live interviews of IPM candidates, background checks, and voting on appointment of IPM. public comment on candidates and appointment process.
  4. Adjournment.

February 21, 2022 ERB Meeting

The City of New Orleans Ethics Review Board will meet on Monday, February 21, 2022 at 3:30 P.M.

Videoconference Information

The board will conduct this meeting via Zoom Video Conference and Telephone Conference

Video Conference Link:
Telephone Conference Dial-In Number: 312-626-6799; ID No. 504 975 3263

Certification of Necessity for Videoconference

Certification of Necessity pursuant to Louisiana Revised Statutes section 42:17.1: The board hereby certifies that the Governor of the State of Louisiana has declared a state of emergency or disaster involving the geographic area of the City of New Orleans. The governor’s most recent proclamation extending this state of emergency is available here: 18 JBE 2022 State of Emergency COVID (Feb. 16, 2022). A live meeting would be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the public and the members of the Ethics Review Board. The agenda contains matters that are critical to continuation of the business of the Ethics Review Board and are not able to be postponed to a live meeting due to a legal requirement or other deadline that cannot be postponed or delayed by the Ethics Review Board.

The public can attend and participate in the videoconference meeting by joining the conference by telephone or videoconference as described above. In addition, public comment prior to the meeting can be provided via email address


  1. Ratification of certification of necessity for videoconference/teleconference meeting.
  2. Approval of minutes of prior board meetings:
    • Regular January 24, 2022, meeting; and
    • Special February 7, 2022, meeting regarding IPM appointment.
  3. Acceptance of monthly reports of OIG, OIPM, and Ethics Trainer.
  4. Initial interviews of IPM candidates and public comment on candidates and appointment process.
    • Stella Cziment (30 minutes).
    • Conrad A. Joachim (30 minutes).
    • Tonya McClary (30 minutes)
    • Public comment on all candidates and selection process (30 minutes).
  5. Discussion and vote to select IPM finalists for live interviews/presentations.
  6. Chairperson’s appointment of Pastor Tyrone G. Jefferson, Jr., to lead the board’s efforts on education and training, and Ms. Holly Callia to lead the board’s support of the QARACs.
  7. General counsel’s report on two pending complaints and deferral to future meeting.
  8. Adjournment (Chair).

Agenda in PDF Format with Attachments