September 13, 2021 ERB Meeting

The City of New Orleans Ethics Review Board will meet on Monday, September 13, 2021 at 3:30 P.M.

Teleconference Meeting

The board will conduct this meeting via Zoom Video Conference and Telephone Conference

Video Conference Link:

Telephone Conference Dial-In Number: 312-626-6799; ID No. 504 975 3263

Certification of Necessity pursuant to Louisiana Revised Statutes section 42:17.1: The board hereby certifies that the Governor of the State of Louisiana has declared a state of emergency or disaster involving the geographic area of the City of New Orleans. A live meeting would be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the public and the members of the Ethics Review Board. The agenda contains matters that are critical to continuation of the business of the Ethics Review Board and are not able to be postponed to a live meeting due to a legal requirement or other deadline that cannot be postponed or delayed by the Ethics Review Board. The public can attend and participate in the videoconference meeting by joining the conference by telephone or videoconference as described above.


  • Ratification of certification of necessity for videoconference/teleconference meeting (Chair).
  • Regular Business
    1. Approval of minutes of previous board meeting (Chair).
    2. Discussion of monthly report or update from the Office of Inspector General (Chair).
    3. Discussion of monthly report or update from the Office of Independent Police Monitor (Chair).
    4. Report of Executive Administrator and General Counsel (Chair).
    5. Report of Ethics Trainer (Stiggs).
    6. Report of OIG search committee.
      • Report on ordinance change to widen pool of candidates.
      • Report from Ralph Anderson & Associates.
    7. Report of OIPM search committee.
  • Continuing Business: None.
  • New Business
    • Opportunity for suggestions on future agenda topics from board, staff, and public.
  • Adjournment (Chair).

Agenda and Attachments in PDF

ERB Accepting Applications for Inspector General Position

The Ethics Review Board (ERB) of the City of New Orleans is recruiting nationally for a highly experienced professional to manage the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) of the City,  a large and complex organization (FY 2021 $633,550,813 general fund annual budget). The successful candidate for the Inspector General (IG) will have a well-rounded public sector background with in-depth knowledge and experience in preventing and detecting waste, fraud, and abuse in large, complex public entities. The new Inspector General will have the highest degree of integrity, judgment, independence, and expert level skills necessary to apply laws, regulations, policies, and methods to oversee the complex operations of the City of New Orleans. This senior-level executive will be results-driven, with well-grounded and ethical decision-making abilities, superior interpersonal and collaborative communication skills, and strong public speaking abilities. The new IG will have a dedicated staff of approximately 13 full-time employees, with 7 additional vacant positions funded. The 2021 Office of the Inspector General operating budget is $3,484,529.

This position requires a Bachelor’s degree and five years in any one or combination of the following fields: inspector general; federal law enforcement officer; federal or state court judge; licensed attorney with experience in the areas of audit or investigation of fraud, mismanagement, waste, corruption, or abuse of power; senior-level auditor or comptroller; or supervisor in an office of inspector general or similar investigative agency. A Master’s degree and or a Law degree is desired but not required. Possession of Possess an active Louisiana CPA license to practice public accounting or a license to practice law in the State of Louisiana is desired. These additional certifications are not required, but desired: Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), Certified Government Auditing Professional (CGAP), Certification in Control Self-Assessment (CCSA), Certified Financial Services Auditor (CFSA), Certification in Risk Management Assurance (CRMA), and Qualification in Internal Audit Leadership (QIAL).

The City of New Orleans appointing authority is offering a competitive salary dependent on qualifications (DOQ) and will be based on the selected candidate’s experience. Moving and relocation expenses may be included in the employment offer.

This position is open until filled and may close at any time. The first review of resumes will take place on Monday, October 11, 2021. Candidates are encouraged to apply early in the process for optimal consideration. To be considered, candidates should email a compelling cover letter, comprehensive resume, and six professional references to Confidential inquiries are welcomed to Robert Burg, Ralph Andersen & Associates, at (916) 630-4900.

Recruitment Brochure

Apply Now

August 9, 2021 ERB Meeting

The City of New Orleans Ethics Review Board will meet on Monday, August 9, 2021 at 3:30 P.M. The board will conduct this meeting via Zoom Video Conference and Telephone Conference

Video Conference Information

Video Conference Link:

Telephone Conference Dial-In Number: 312-626-6799; ID No. 504 975 3263

Certification of Necessity pursuant to Louisiana Revised Statutes section 42:17.1: The board hereby certifies that the Governor of the State of Louisiana has declared a state of emergency or disaster involving the geographic area of the City of New Orleans. A live meeting would be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the public and the members of the Ethics Review Board. The agenda contains matters that are critical to continuation of the business of the Ethics Review Board and are not able to be postponed to a live meeting due to a legal requirement or other deadline that cannot be postponed or delayed by the Ethics Review Board. The public can attend and participate in the videoconference meeting by joining the conference by telephone or videoconference as described above.


  1. Regular Business
    • Ratification of certification of necessity for videoconference/teleconference meeting (Chair).
    • Approval of minutes of previous board meeting (Chair).
    • Discussion of monthly report from the Office of Inspector General (Chair).
    • Discussion of monthly report from the Office of Independent Police Monitor (Chair).
    • Report of Executive Administrator and General Counsel (Chair).
      • Report on status of RFP for executive search firm for new Inspector General.
      • Report on revision to process for approving purchases and contracts.
      • Report on status of hiring of ethics trainer.
      • Report on ERB peer review.
    • Report of OIG search committee.
      • Report on ordinance change to widen pool of candidates.
      • Report from Ralph Anderson & Associates.
    • Report of OIPM search committee.
  2. Continuing Business
    • Discussion of and possible vote on proposed amendment to City of New Orleans Ethics Code to prohibit certain campaign contributions and to require related disclosures (Mr. Sanders).
    • Discussion of BGR recommendation re ERB obtaining OIG and OIPM employee concerns.
    • Vote on ERB rules for voting on officers. (See attached possible language.)
    • Report on changing dates of ERB meetings.
  3. New Business
    • Opportunity for suggestions on future agenda topics from board, staff, and public.
  4. Adjournment (Chair).

Agenda in PDF with Attachments and Reports

July 27, 2021 Meeting of QARAC for OIPM

The Quality Assurance Review Advisory Committee for the Office of the Independent Police Monitor will meet on July 27, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.

Video Conference

The committee will conduct this meeting via Zoom Video Conference and Telephone Conference:

Certification of Necessity pursuant to Louisiana Revised Statutes section 42:17.1: The committee hereby certifies that the Governor of the State of Louisiana has declared a state of emergency or disaster involving the geographic area of the City of New Orleans. A live meeting would be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the public and the members of the committee. The agenda contains matters that are critical to continuation of the business of the committee and are not able to be postponed to a live meeting due to a legal requirement or other deadline that cannot be postponed or delayed by the committee. The public can attend and participate in the videoconference meeting by joining the conference by telephone or videoconference as described above.


  1. Call to order. (Janet Hoeffel, Chair QARAC OIPM).
  2. Vote on need to conduct meeting via video conference due to COVID-19 emergency.
  3. Presentation of and comments concerning the 2021 Annual Report of the QARAC OIPM (Members of the QARAC OIPM).
  4. Presentation and comments by OIPM (IPM and her Representatives).
  5. Additional comments and questions by members of the QARAC OIPM and OIPM.
  6. Public comments and questions.
  7. Adjournment.

QARAC Report and OPIM Response

July 12, 2021 ERB Meeting

The City of New Orleans Ethics Review Board will meet on Monday, July 12, 2021 at 3:30 P.M.

Videoconference Links

The board will conduct this meeting via Zoom Video Conference and Telephone Conference:

Certification of Necessity pursuant to Louisiana Revised Statutes section 42:17.1: The board hereby certifies that the Governor of the State of Louisiana has declared a state of emergency or disaster involving the geographic area of the City of New Orleans. A live meeting would be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the public and the members of the Ethics Review Board. The agenda contains matters that are critical to continuation of the business of the Ethics Review Board and are not able to be postponed to a live meeting due to a legal requirement or other deadline that cannot be postponed or delayed by the Ethics Review Board. The public can attend and participate in the videoconference meeting by joining the conference by telephone or videoconference as described above.


  1. Ratification of certification of necessity for videoconference/teleconference meeting (Chair).
  2. Approval of minutes of previous board meeting (Chair).
  3. Discussion of monthly report from the Office of Inspector General (Chair).
  4. Discussion, nominations, and vote on formation of Search Committee for Inspector General (Chair).
  5. Discussion of monthly report from the Office of Independent Police Monitor (Chair).
  6. Vote to commence national search for Independent Police Monitor.
  7. Discussion, nominations, and vote on formation of Search Committee for Independent Police Monitor (Chair).
  8. Discussion on possible rescheduling of board meetings for the third Monday of each month starting in September 2021, and possible vote on new schedule (Chair).
  9. Discussion regarding procedure for annually selecting board officers (Chair).
    • Alternative 1 For Consideration: Each officer will serve until the first June 30th to occur after appointment. On July 1st, the Vice-Chair will automatically move up to Chair, and the Secretary will automatically move up to Vice-Chair. In or before June of each year, the board shall elect the vacant Secretary position by a majority vote; any board member may nominate any board member for the position. If any officer position becomes vacant at any time, the board shall elect the vacant position by a majority vote; any board member may nominate any board member for the vacant position.
    • Alternative 2 For Consideration: Each officer will serve until the first June 30th to occur after appointment. In or before June of each year, the board shall elect all vacant positions by a majority vote; any board member may nominate any board member for the positions. If any officer position becomes vacant at any time, any board member may nominate any board member for the vacant position.
  10. Discussion on opportunity for public comment/suggestion regarding future agendas (Chair).
  11. Report of Executive Administrator and General Counsel (Chair).
    1. Report on status of RFP for executive search firm for new Inspector General.
    1. Report on revision to process for approving purchases and contracts.
    1. Report on status of hiring of ethics trainer.
    1. Report on ERB peer review.
  12. Discussion of proposed amendment to City of New Orleans Ethics Code to prohibit certain campaign contributions and to require related disclosures (Mr. Sanders).
  13. Adjournment (Chair).

PDF Version of Agenda and Attachments

June 14, 2021 ERB Meeting

The City of New Orleans Ethics Review Board will meet on Monday, June 14, 2021 at 3:30 P.M.

Video Conference Information

The board will conduct this meeting via Zoom Video Conference and Telephone Conference due to COVID-19.

Certification of Necessity pursuant to Louisiana Revised Statutes section 42:17.1: The board hereby certifies that the Governor of the State of Louisiana has declared a state of emergency or disaster involving the geographic area of the City of New Orleans. A live meeting would be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the public and the members of the Ethics Review Board. The agenda contains matters that are critical to continuation of the business of the Ethics Review Board and are not able to be postponed to a live meeting due to a legal requirement or other deadline that cannot be postponed or delayed by the Ethics Review Board. The public can attend and participate in the videoconference meeting by joining the conference by telephone or videoconference as described above.


  1. Ratification of certification of necessity for videoconference/teleconference meeting (Chair).
  2. Approval of minutes of previous board meeting (Chair).
  3. Discussion of monthly report from the Office of Inspector General (Chair).
  4. Discussion of the annual report of the Quality Assurance Advisory Committee for the OIG (Chair).
  5. Discussion of Audubon Commission and Audubon Institute audit by OIG (Chair).
  6. Discussion of resignation of Susan Hutson from the Office of Independent Police Monitor and vote to initiate search for new IPM (Chair).
  7. Discussion of monthly report from the Office of Independent Police Monitor (Chair).
  8. Vote on salary for the Interim IPM (Chair).
  9. Board officer nominations and elections for 2021-2022 (Chair).
  10. Report of Executive Administrator and General Counsel (Chair).
    • Report on status of RFP for executive search firm for new Inspector General.
    • Report on revision to process for approving purchases and contracts.
    • Report on status of hiring of ethics trainer.
    • Report on ERB peer review.
  11. Executive Session. Discussion of investigative proceedings regarding allegations of misconduct pursuant to La. Rev. Stat. § 42:17(A)(4).
  12. Adjournment (Chair).

To review or download a PDF version of the agenda, including all attachments, click below:

2021 OIG Quality Assurance Review Advisory Committee Meeting

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The Quality Assurance Review Advisory Committee for the Office of the Inspector General, City of New Orleans, will meet on on Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. by videoconference.

The QARAC for the OIG is comprised of Harry Blumenthal, Chair, and Ashley Barrier and Bill Banta, Members.

Video Conference

The QARAC will conduct this meeting via Zoom Video Conference and Telephone Conference.

Video Conference Link:
Telephone Conference Dial-In Number: 312-626-6799; ID No. 504 975 3263

Certification of Necessity: The committee hereby certifies that it is unable to satisfy live-meeting quorum requirements due to the COVID-19 declaration of emergency. See State of Louisiana, Executive Department Proclamation No. JBE 2020-30 § 4 (Mar. 16, 2020) (permitting video conference meetings due to gubernatorial declaration of state of emergency); State of Louisiana, Executive Department Proclamation No. 111 JBE 2020 § 1 (August 26, 2020) (providing that “statewide public health emergency is declared to continue to exist”).

A recording of the Committee’s meeting is here:


  1. Call to order (Chair).
  2. Ratification of certification of necessity for videoconference/teleconference meeting (Chair).
  3. Welcome and introductory remarks (Chair).
  4. Presentation of the QARAC report and comments by committee members (Chair).
  5. Response to QARAC Report by the OIG and discussion with committee (Mr. Michel).
  6. Public comments and questions (Chair).
  7. Adjournment (Chair).

Committee Report and OIG Response

The QARAC OIG 2021 annual report regarding 2020 of the OIG is available for download here: 2021 QARAC for OIG Report on 2020 Work.

After the publication of the report, the QARAC and the OIG engaged in this email correspondence:

The response of the Office of Inspector General to the QARAC report is here:

May 10, 2021 ERB Meeting

The City of New Orleans Ethics Review Board will meet on Monday, May 10, 2021 at 3:30 P.M.

Video Conference

The board will conduct this meeting via Zoom Video Conference and Telephone Conference.

Video Conference Link:
Telephone Conference Dial-In Number: 312-626-6799; ID No. 504 975 3263

Certification of Necessity: The board hereby certifies that it is unable to satisfy live-meeting quorum requirements due to the COVID-19 declaration of emergency. See State of Louisiana, Executive Department Proclamation No. JBE 2020-30 § 4 (Mar. 16, 2020) (permitting video conference meetings due to gubernatorial declaration of state of emergency); State of Louisiana, Executive Department Proclamation No. 111 JBE 2020 § 1 (August 26, 2020) (providing that “statewide public health emergency is declared to continue to exist”).


  1. Ratification of certification of necessity for videoconference/teleconference meeting (Chair).
  2. Approval of minutes of previous board meeting (Chair).
  3. Discussion of monthly report from the Office of Inspector General (Chair).
  4. Discussion of OIG Annual Report (Doucette) (attached as Item 1).
  5. Discussion of leave of absence of Susan Hutson from the Office of Independent Police Monitor (Chair).
  6. Discussion of monthly report from the Office of Independent Police Monitor (Chair).
  7. Discussion of board officer selection (Chair).
  8. Report of Executive Administrator and General Counsel (Chair).
    • Report on status of RFP for executive search firm for new Inspector General.
    • Report on status of hiring of ethics trainer.
    • Report on ERB peer review.
  9. Executive Session. Discussion of investigative proceedings regarding allegations of misconduct pursuant to La. Rev. Stat. § 42:17(A)(4).
  10. Adjournment (Chair).

For a PDF version of the agenda, including all agency reports and other attachments, click below:

April 12, 2021 ERB Meeting

The City of New Orleans Ethics Review Board will meet on Monday, April 12, 2021 at 3:30 P.M. The board will conduct this meeting via Zoom Video Conference and Telephone Conference.

Video Conference Information

Video Conference Link:

Telephone Conference Dial-In Number: 312-626-6799; ID No. 504 975 3263

Certification of Necessity: The board hereby certifies that it is unable to satisfy live-meeting quorum requirements due to the COVID-19 declaration of emergency. See State of Louisiana, Executive Department Proclamation No. JBE 2020-30 § 4 (Mar. 16, 2020) (permitting video conference meetings due to gubernatorial declaration of state of emergency); State of Louisiana, Executive Department Proclamation No. 111 JBE 2020 § 1 (August 26, 2020) (providing that “statewide public health emergency is declared to continue to exist”).


  1. Ratification of certification of necessity for videoconference/teleconference meeting (Chair).
  2. Approval of minutes of previous board meeting (Chair).
  3. Report on meeting with Councilmember Giarrusso (Chair).
  4. Appointment of members of QARAC for OIG and OIPM (Chair).
  5. Discussion of monthly report from the Office of Inspector General (Chair).
  6. Discussion of monthly report from the Office of Independent Police Monitor (Chair).
  7. Discussion of BGR recommendations (Chair).
  8. Vote on “open meetings” process for discussions regarding appointment of new Inspector General (Chair).
  9. Discussion and vote on of early warning surveys of staff at OIPM and OIG (Doucette, Sanders, Brooks).
  10. Ethics awards (Callia, Jefferson).
  11. Discussion of board officer selection process (Chair).
  12. Report of Executive Administrator and General Counsel (Chair).
    • Report on status of RFP for executive search firm for new Inspector General.
    • Report on status of hiring of ethics trainer.
    • Report on ERB peer review.
  13. Adjournment (Chair).

PDF Version of Agenda

For the agenda in PDF format, which includes the monthly reports of the OIG and OIPM, click below:

March 8, 2020 ERB Meeting

The City of New Orleans Ethics Review Board will meet on Monday, March 8, 2021 at 3:30 P.M. The board will conduct this meeting via Zoom Video Conference and Telephone Conference.

Zoom and Teleconference Links

Video Conference Link:

Telephone Conference Dial-In Number: 312-626-6799; ID No. 504 975 3263

Certification of Necessity: The board hereby certifies that it is unable to satisfy live-meeting quorum requirements due to the COVID-19 declaration of emergency. See State of Louisiana, Executive Department Proclamation No. JBE 2020-30 § 4 (Mar. 16, 2020) (permitting video conference meetings due to gubernatorial declaration of state of emergency); State of Louisiana, Executive Department Proclamation No. 111 JBE 2020 § 1 (August 26, 2020) (providing that “statewide public health emergency is declared to continue to exist”).


  1. Ratification of certification of necessity for videoconference/teleconference meeting (Chair).
  2. Approval of minutes of previous board meeting (Chair).
  3. Discussion of pipeline report process (Ciolino).
  4. Discussion of monthly report from the Office of Inspector General (Chair).
  5. Discussion of monthly report from the Office of Independent Police Monitor (Chair).
  6. Discussion of annual evaluations of IG and IPM (Doucette, Sanders, Brooks), and responses of OIG and OIPM.
  7. Discussion of expanding triennial evaluations of IG and IPM (Chair), and responses of OIG and OIPM.
  8. Ethics awards (Callia, Jefferson).
  9. Discussion and vote on Marcello/BGR recommendations (Chair, Ciolino).
  10. Discussion of board officer selection process (Chair).
  11. Report of Executive Administrator and General Counsel (Chair).
    • Report on status of RFP for executive search firm for new Inspector General.
    • Report on status of creation of ethics trainer classified position.
  12. Executive Session. Discussion of investigative proceedings regarding allegations of misconduct pursuant to La. Rev. Stat. § 42:17(A)(4).
  13. Adjournment (Chair).

For a PDF version of the agenda, including all monthly reports and other attachments, click here: Agenda for March 8, 2021 ERB Meeting.