July 27, 2021 Meeting of QARAC for OIPM

The Quality Assurance Review Advisory Committee for the Office of the Independent Police Monitor will meet on July 27, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.

Video Conference

The committee will conduct this meeting via Zoom Video Conference and Telephone Conference:

Certification of Necessity pursuant to Louisiana Revised Statutes section 42:17.1: The committee hereby certifies that the Governor of the State of Louisiana has declared a state of emergency or disaster involving the geographic area of the City of New Orleans. A live meeting would be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the public and the members of the committee. The agenda contains matters that are critical to continuation of the business of the committee and are not able to be postponed to a live meeting due to a legal requirement or other deadline that cannot be postponed or delayed by the committee. The public can attend and participate in the videoconference meeting by joining the conference by telephone or videoconference as described above.


  1. Call to order. (Janet Hoeffel, Chair QARAC OIPM).
  2. Vote on need to conduct meeting via video conference due to COVID-19 emergency.
  3. Presentation of and comments concerning the 2021 Annual Report of the QARAC OIPM (Members of the QARAC OIPM).
  4. Presentation and comments by OIPM (IPM and her Representatives).
  5. Additional comments and questions by members of the QARAC OIPM and OIPM.
  6. Public comments and questions.
  7. Adjournment.

QARAC Report and OPIM Response

2021 OIG Quality Assurance Review Advisory Committee Meeting

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The Quality Assurance Review Advisory Committee for the Office of the Inspector General, City of New Orleans, will meet on on Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. by videoconference.

The QARAC for the OIG is comprised of Harry Blumenthal, Chair, and Ashley Barrier and Bill Banta, Members.

Video Conference

The QARAC will conduct this meeting via Zoom Video Conference and Telephone Conference.

Video Conference Link: https://loyno.zoom.us/j/5049753263
Telephone Conference Dial-In Number: 312-626-6799; ID No. 504 975 3263

Certification of Necessity: The committee hereby certifies that it is unable to satisfy live-meeting quorum requirements due to the COVID-19 declaration of emergency. See State of Louisiana, Executive Department Proclamation No. JBE 2020-30 § 4 (Mar. 16, 2020) (permitting video conference meetings due to gubernatorial declaration of state of emergency); State of Louisiana, Executive Department Proclamation No. 111 JBE 2020 § 1 (August 26, 2020) (providing that “statewide public health emergency is declared to continue to exist”).

A recording of the Committee’s meeting is here: https://youtu.be/ikKC7P4YQvc


  1. Call to order (Chair).
  2. Ratification of certification of necessity for videoconference/teleconference meeting (Chair).
  3. Welcome and introductory remarks (Chair).
  4. Presentation of the QARAC report and comments by committee members (Chair).
  5. Response to QARAC Report by the OIG and discussion with committee (Mr. Michel).
  6. Public comments and questions (Chair).
  7. Adjournment (Chair).

Committee Report and OIG Response

The QARAC OIG 2021 annual report regarding 2020 of the OIG is available for download here: 2021 QARAC for OIG Report on 2020 Work.

After the publication of the report, the QARAC and the OIG engaged in this email correspondence:

The response of the Office of Inspector General to the QARAC report is here:

July 24, 2020 Meeting of QARAC for the OIPM

The City of New Orleans Quality Assurance Review Advisory Committee for the Office of the Independent Police Monitor will conduct its annual meeting on Friday, July 24, 2020, at 1:00 P.M.

Video Conference Link

The committee will conduct its meeting via Zoom Video Conference at this URL: https://loyno.zoom.us/j/98709375813. The meeting can also be joined by telephone by dialing 301-715-8592 and entering Meeting ID: 987 0937 5813.


  1. Call to order. (Janet Hoeffel, Chair QARAC OIPM).
  2. Vote on need to conduct meeting via video conference due to COVID-19 emergency.
  3. Presentation of and comments concerning the 2020 Annual Report of the QARAC OIPM (Members of the QARAC OIPM).
  4. Presentation and comments by OIPM (IPM Susan Hutson and her Representatives).
  5. Additional comments and questions by members of the QARAC OIPM and OIPM.
  6. Public comments and questions.
  7. Adjournment.

For the agenda in PDF format with the QARAC report and the response by the OIPM, click here: QARAC for OIPM 2020 Meeting Agenda, Report, and Response

May 27, 2020 Meeting of QARAC Committee for the OIG

The City of New Orleans Quality Assurance Review Advisory Committee for the Office of the Inspector General (“QARAC OIG”) will conduct its annual meeting to discuss its 2020 annual report. The report evaluates the work performed by the OIG in 2019.

The committee’s meeting will take place on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, at 4:30 P.M. via Zoom Video Conference at this URL: https://loyno.zoom.us/j/99653310391. The meeting can be joined by telephone by dialing (646) 558-8656 and entering Meeting ID: 996 5331 0391.


  1. Call to order. (Harry Blumenthal, Chair QARAC OIG)
  2. Vote on need to conduct meeting via video conference due to COVID-19 emergency.
  3. Welcome and introductory remarks. (Members of the QARAC OIG)
  4. Presentation of and comments concerning the 2019 Annual Report of the QARAC OIG (Members of the QARAC OIG)
  5. Presentation and comments by OIG (IG Derry Harper and his Representatives)
  6. Additional comments by members of the QARAC OIG and OIG.
  7. Public comments and questions.
  8. Adjournment.

A PDF version of the agenda is available here: Agenda for QARAC OIG 2020 Annual Meeting.

Committee Report and OIG Response

The committee’s May 11, 2020 report is available for download here: 2020 QARAC for OIG Report on 2019 Work.

The May 18, 2020 response of the Office of the Inspector General to the QARAC OIG 2020 annual report is available for download here: OIG Response to QARAC for OIG Report on 2019 Work.

All past reports and responses are posted here: QARAC Committee Reports and Responses.

Meeting of the Quality Assurance Review Advisory Committee for OIPM

The Quality Assurance Review Advisory Committee for the Office of Independent Police Monitor (QARAC OIPM) will conduct a public meeting on Thursday, August 1, 2019, at 10:00 A.M.

The meeting will take place at the following location: Tulane Law School, Room 251, 6329 Freret Street, New Orleans, LA 70118.


The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

  1. Call to order. (Janet C. Hoeffel, Chair, QARAC OIPM)
  2. Welcome and introductory remarks. (Members of the QARAC OIPM)
  3. Presentation of the 2019 Annual Report of the QARAC OIPM. (Members of the QARAC OIPM)
  4. Discussion of response submitted by OIPM. (IPM Susan Hutson and Her Representatives)
  5. Additional comments and discussion with members of the QARAC OIPM and OIPM.
  6. Public comments and discussion.
  7. Adjournment.


Statement by Ethics Review Board Chair Regarding Report of Quality Assurance Review Advisory Committee

I want to thank the members of the OIG Quality Assurance Review Advisory Committee–Mr. Harry Blumenthal, Ms. Ashley Barriere, and Mr. William Banta-for their public service in reviewing the Office of Inspector General’s work in 2018 and for their written report of their findings.

I also want to give due respect to the Inspector General’s response to the Committee’s report.

The Committee’s report and the OIG’s response have been posted on the ERB website for public review.

I think it wise to defer further comment on this matter until after the public meeting that the Quality Assurance Review Advisory Committee has set for June 10, 2019, at 3.30 p.m. at the Mid-City branch of the public library, 4140 Canal Street. At that public meeting, the members of the Committee and the OIG will have a further opportunity to express their views and take public comment.

These matters also will be on the agenda for the Ethics Review Board’s next board meeting on June 24, 2019, at 3.30 p.m. in City Council chambers. At that meeting, the members of the Board will have the opportunity to take public comment and voice their individual views on these matters.

James A. Brown
Ethics Review Board
City of New Orleans

Public Meeting of the Quality Assurance Advisory Committee for the Office of Inspector General

The City of New Orleans Quality Assurance Review Advisory Committee for the Office of the Inspector General (“QARAC OIG”) will conduct a public meeting on Monday, June 10, 2019, from 3:30 P.M. – 5:30 P.M. The meeting will take place at the New Orleans Mid-City Library at 4140 Canal St., New Orleans, LA 70119. The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

  1. Call to order. (Harry Blumenthal, Chair QARAC OIG)
  2. Welcome and introductory remarks. (Members of the QARAC OIG)
  3. Presentation of and comments concerning the 2019 Annual Report of the QARAC OIG (Members of the QARAC OIG)
  4. Presentation and comments by OIG (IG Derry Harper and His Representatives)
  5. Additional comments by members of the QARAC OIG and OIG.
  6. Public comments and questions.
  7. Adjournment.

A PDF version of the agenda is available for download here: PDF Agenda for June 10, 2019, QARAC IAC Committee Meeting.

The QARAC OIG 2019 annual report is available for download here: https://nolaerb.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/2019-05-16-QAC-Committee-Report-re-OIG.pdf

The response of the Office of the Inspector General to the QARAC OIG 2019 annual report is available for download here: https://nolaerb.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/2019-05-30-IG-Response-to-QAC-Committee-Report-re-OIG.pdf

Quality Assurance Advisory Committee Releases Report for 2014

On April 18, 2016, the Quality Assurance Advisory Committee issued a report assessing the 2014 written work product of the Office of Inspector General (“OIG”) and Office of the Independent Polict Monitor (“OIPM”). See 2016-04-18 ERB Quality Assurance Review Advisory Committee Report for 2014. The committee conducted a review of public letters and investigations, audits and reviews, follow-up reports, and inspections and evaluations. As to the OIG, the committee concluded:

Overall, our Committee believes the reports of the OIG provided a valuable service to the City of New Orleans. The written work we have reviewed meets high standards of quality. These reports have also opened up important areas for reform and debate for the citizens of New Orleans.

As to the OIPM, the committee “reached both positive and negative conclusions.” See id.