
The Ethics Review Board issues ethics advice to public employees and public officials only. Requests for advisory opinions must be in writing, state the name and address of the person requesting the advisory opinion, disclose the requestor’s interest in the question presented, identify the governmental agency and any individuals involved or affected, specifically describe the transaction involved, be signed by the person making the request, and state sufficient facts to enable the Ethics Review Board to respond. Send your request for an advisory opinion to [email protected].

Requests for advisory opinions must:

  1. Be in writing.
  2. State the name and address of the person requesting the advisory opinion.
  3. Disclose the requestor’s interest in the question presented.
  4. Identify the governmental agency and any individuals involved or affected.
  5. Specifically describe the transactions involved.
  6. Be signed by the person making the request.
  7. State sufficient facts to enable the Board to respond.

The Board may decline to render an advisory opinion. The Board may, on its own motion, render an advisory opinion regarding any law within its jurisdiction. The Board must send notice and a copy of the advisory opinion to the person making the request, the governmental agency involved, if any, and any other affected parties.