June 24, 2019 ERB Meeting

The City of New Orleans Ethics Review Board will meet on Monday, June 24, 2019 at 3:30 P.M. in the City Council Chamber, New Orleans City Hall, 1300 Perdido Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70112. The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

  1. Approval of minutes of previous board meeting. (Chair)
  2. Acknowledgment of receipt of 2018 Annual Report of Office of Independent Police Monitor.
  3. Discussion of the May 16, 2019, report by the Quality Assurance Review Advisory
    Committee for the OIG, and the May 30, 2019, response of the Office of Inspector General.
  4. Discussion of monthly report from the Office of Inspector General with Inspector General.
  5. Discussion of monthly report from the Office of Independent Police Monitor with
    Independent Police Monitor. (Chair)
  6. Discussion of monthly report from the Ethics Trainer with Ethics Trainer (Chair)
  7. Report of Executive Administrator and General Counsel. (Chair)
  8. Report on ethics awards program and vote on awards committee members. (Ricks)
  9. Adjournment (Chair).

A PDF version of the agenda, including all attachments (draft minutes, monthly reports, etc.) is available here: June 24, 2019, ERB Agenda in PDF.

Office of Police Monitor Annual Report for 2018

The New Orleans Office of the Independent Police Monitor released its annual report for 2018 on May 30, 2019. The report is available for download here: https://nolaipm.gov/annual-reports/

This OIPM issued this report in accordance with the City Code of Ordinances, Section 2-1121(6), which provides as follows:

(6) Public reporting requirement. The independent police monitor shall be required to issue at least one public report each year, by May 30, to the ethics review board and New Orleans City Council detailing its monitoring and review activities and the appropriate statistical information from the internal investigations office, and other divisions of the New Orleans Police Department. The independent police monitor shall be required to report upon problems it has identified, recommendations made and recommendations adopted by the New Orleans Police Department. The report shall also identify commendable performance by the New Orleans Police Department and improvements made by the department to enhance the department’s professionalism, accountability, and transparency. The criminal justice committee of the New Orleans City Council shall conduct a hearing on each annual report within 30 days of submission køb cialis. Additional reports relating to policy and training recommendations, matters of significant public interest, or other concerns may be issued throughout the year, such reports shall be submitted to the ethics review board and criminal justice committee of the New Orleans City Council and simultaneously released to the public. The committee will have discretion as to whether to conduct a public hearing relating to such reports.

City of N.O. Code of Ordinances, sec. 2-1121(6).

Statement by Ethics Review Board Chair Regarding Report of Quality Assurance Review Advisory Committee

I want to thank the members of the OIG Quality Assurance Review Advisory Committee–Mr. Harry Blumenthal, Ms. Ashley Barriere, and Mr. William Banta-for their public service in reviewing the Office of Inspector General’s work in 2018 and for their written report of their findings.

I also want to give due respect to the Inspector General’s response to the Committee’s report.

The Committee’s report and the OIG’s response have been posted on the ERB website for public review.

I think it wise to defer further comment on this matter until after the public meeting that the Quality Assurance Review Advisory Committee has set for June 10, 2019, at 3.30 p.m. at the Mid-City branch of the public library, 4140 Canal Street. At that public meeting, the members of the Committee and the OIG will have a further opportunity to express their views and take public comment.

These matters also will be on the agenda for the Ethics Review Board’s next board meeting on June 24, 2019, at 3.30 p.m. in City Council chambers. At that meeting, the members of the Board will have the opportunity to take public comment and voice their individual views on these matters.

James A. Brown
Ethics Review Board
City of New Orleans

Public Meeting of the Quality Assurance Advisory Committee for the Office of Inspector General

The City of New Orleans Quality Assurance Review Advisory Committee for the Office of the Inspector General (“QARAC OIG”) will conduct a public meeting on Monday, June 10, 2019, from 3:30 P.M. – 5:30 P.M. The meeting will take place at the New Orleans Mid-City Library at 4140 Canal St., New Orleans, LA 70119. The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

  1. Call to order. (Harry Blumenthal, Chair QARAC OIG)
  2. Welcome and introductory remarks. (Members of the QARAC OIG)
  3. Presentation of and comments concerning the 2019 Annual Report of the QARAC OIG (Members of the QARAC OIG)
  4. Presentation and comments by OIG (IG Derry Harper and His Representatives)
  5. Additional comments by members of the QARAC OIG and OIG.
  6. Public comments and questions.
  7. Adjournment.

A PDF version of the agenda is available for download here: PDF Agenda for June 10, 2019, QARAC IAC Committee Meeting.

The QARAC OIG 2019 annual report is available for download here: https://nolaerb.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/2019-05-16-QAC-Committee-Report-re-OIG.pdf

The response of the Office of the Inspector General to the QARAC OIG 2019 annual report is available for download here: https://nolaerb.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/2019-05-30-IG-Response-to-QAC-Committee-Report-re-OIG.pdf

May 27, 2019 ERB Meeting

The City of New Orelans Ethics Review Board will meet on Wednesday, May 29, 2019 at 3:30 p.m. in the City Council Chamber, New Orleans City Hall, 1300 Perdido Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70112. The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

  1. Approval of minutes of previous board meeting. (Chair)
  2. Report on the work of the Quality Assurance Review committees for the OIPM and OIG, including the upcoming June 10, 2019, public meeting of the QAR Committee for the OIG. (Chair)
  3. Discussion of monthly report from the Office of Inspector General with Inspector General. (Chair)
  4. Discussion of monthly report from the Office of Independent Police Monitor with Independent Police Monitor. (Chair)
  5. Discussion of monthly report from the Ethics Trainer with Ethics Trainer (Chair)
  6. Report of Executive Administrator and General Counsel. (Chair)
  7. Report on ethics awards program. (Ricks)
  8. Adjournment (Chair).

For a PDF version of the agenda, including the draft minutes from the last board meeting and the monthly reports from the OIG, OIPM, and Ethics Trainer, click here: PDF Agenda for ERB Meeting.

April 29, 2019 ERB Meeting

The City of New Orelans Ethics Review Board will meet on Monday, April 29, 2019 at 3:30 p.m apotheke-zag.de. in the City Council Chamber, New Orleans City Hall, 1300 Perdido Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70112. The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

  1. Approval of minutes of previous board meeting. (Chair)
  2. Discussion of content of monthly reports. (Chair)
  3. Discussion of monthly report from the Office of Inspector General with Inspector General. (Chair)
  4. Discussion of monthly report from the Office of Independent Police Monitor with Independent Police Monitor. (Chair)
  5. Discussion of federal consent decree issues with Office of Independent Police Monitor. (Chair)
  6. Discussion of monthly report from the Ethics Trainer with Ethics Trainer (Chair)
  7. Report of Executive Administrator and General Counsel. (Chair)
  8. Report on ethics awards program. (Ricks)
  9. Adjournment (Chair).

Agenda in PDF format: April 29, 2019 ERB Meeting Agenda

March 25, 2019 ERB Meeting

The City of New Orleans Ethics Review Board will meet on Monday, March 25, 2019 at 3:30 P.M. at the City Council Chamber, New Orleans City Hall
1300 Perdido Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70112. The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

  1. Approval of minutes of previous board meeting. (Chair)
  2. Discussion of monthly report from the Office of Inspector General with Inspector General. (Chair)
  3. Discussion of monthly report from the Office of Independent Police Monitor with Independent Police Monitor. (Chair)
  4. Discussion of monthly report from the Ethics Trainer with Ethics Trainer (Chair)
  5. Report of Executive Administrator and General Counsel. (Chair)
    a. Transition status.
    b. Status of ordinance to empower the Inspector General to serve as investigator and prosecutor for ethics-related complaints.
  6. Report on ethics awards program. (Ricks)
  7. Progress of work of Quality Assurance Committees. (Brown)
  8. Adjournment (Chair).

For a PDF of the agenda (including monthly reports of OIG, OIPM, and Ethics Trainer), click here: Agenda for ERB March 25, 2019 Board Meeting

February 25, 2019 ERB Meeting

The City of New Orleans Ethics Review Board will meet on Monday, February 25, 2019 from 3:30 P.M. to 5:30 P.M. in the City Council Chamber, New Orleans City Hall, 1300 Perdido Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70112. The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

  1. Approval of minutes of previous board meeting. (Chair)
  2. Discussion of monthly report from the Office of Inspector General with Inspector General. (Chair)
  3. Discussion of monthly report from the Office of Independent Police Monitor with Independent Police Monitor. (Chair)
  4. Discussion of monthly report from the Ethics Trainer with Ethics Trainer, and discussion of December 2018 Special Projects Report with Ethics Trainer. (Chair)
  5. Report on status of appointment of members to Quality Assurance Review Committees. (Chair)
  6. Report of Executive Administrator and General Counsel. (Chair)
  7. Transition status.
  8. Status of ordinance to empower the Inspector General to serve as investigator and prosecutor for ethics-related complaints.
  9. Report on recent advisory opinion request.
  10. Reevaluation of ethics enforcement procedures. (Calderon)
  11. Approval of 2018 Annual Report. (Chair)
  12. Report on ethics awards program. (Ricks)
  13. Adjournment (Chair).

The agenda in PDF format is here: PDF Agenda.

January 28, 2019 ERB Meeting

The City of New Orleans Ethics Review Board will meet on Monday, January 28, 2018 at 3:30 P.M. The meeting will take place at the following location:

City Council Chamber
New Orleans City Hall
1300 Perdido Street
New Orleans, LA 70112

The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

  1. Approval of minutes of previous board meeting. (Chair)
  2. Discussion of monthly report from the Office of Inspector General with Inspector General. (Chair)
  3. Discussion of monthly report from the Office of Independent Police Monitor with Independent Police Monitor. (Chair)
  4. Discussion of monthly report from the Ethics Trainer with Ethics Trainer. (Chair)
  5. Report on status of appointment of members to Quality Assurance Review Committees. (Chair)
  6. Report on approval by City Council of new position of “Executive Administrator and General Counsel.” (Chair)
  7. Report of Executive Administrator and General Counsel. (Chair)
    1. Transition status.
    2. ERB deadlines and events for 2019.
  8. Status of ordinance to empower the Inspector General to serve as investigator and prosecutor for ethics-related complaints.
  9. Adjournment (Chair)

A PDF version of the agenda is available here: PDF Agenda