September 13, 2021 ERB Meeting

The City of New Orleans Ethics Review Board will meet on Monday, September 13, 2021 at 3:30 P.M.

Teleconference Meeting

The board will conduct this meeting via Zoom Video Conference and Telephone Conference

Video Conference Link:

Telephone Conference Dial-In Number: 312-626-6799; ID No. 504 975 3263

Certification of Necessity pursuant to Louisiana Revised Statutes section 42:17.1: The board hereby certifies that the Governor of the State of Louisiana has declared a state of emergency or disaster involving the geographic area of the City of New Orleans. A live meeting would be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the public and the members of the Ethics Review Board. The agenda contains matters that are critical to continuation of the business of the Ethics Review Board and are not able to be postponed to a live meeting due to a legal requirement or other deadline that cannot be postponed or delayed by the Ethics Review Board. The public can attend and participate in the videoconference meeting by joining the conference by telephone or videoconference as described above.


  • Ratification of certification of necessity for videoconference/teleconference meeting (Chair).
  • Regular Business
    1. Approval of minutes of previous board meeting (Chair).
    2. Discussion of monthly report or update from the Office of Inspector General (Chair).
    3. Discussion of monthly report or update from the Office of Independent Police Monitor (Chair).
    4. Report of Executive Administrator and General Counsel (Chair).
    5. Report of Ethics Trainer (Stiggs).
    6. Report of OIG search committee.
      • Report on ordinance change to widen pool of candidates.
      • Report from Ralph Anderson & Associates.
    7. Report of OIPM search committee.
  • Continuing Business: None.
  • New Business
    • Opportunity for suggestions on future agenda topics from board, staff, and public.
  • Adjournment (Chair).

Agenda and Attachments in PDF