March 8, 2020 ERB Meeting

The City of New Orleans Ethics Review Board will meet on Monday, March 8, 2021 at 3:30 P.M. The board will conduct this meeting via Zoom Video Conference and Telephone Conference.

Zoom and Teleconference Links

Video Conference Link:

Telephone Conference Dial-In Number: 312-626-6799; ID No. 504 975 3263

Certification of Necessity: The board hereby certifies that it is unable to satisfy live-meeting quorum requirements due to the COVID-19 declaration of emergency. See State of Louisiana, Executive Department Proclamation No. JBE 2020-30 § 4 (Mar. 16, 2020) (permitting video conference meetings due to gubernatorial declaration of state of emergency); State of Louisiana, Executive Department Proclamation No. 111 JBE 2020 § 1 (August 26, 2020) (providing that “statewide public health emergency is declared to continue to exist”).


  1. Ratification of certification of necessity for videoconference/teleconference meeting (Chair).
  2. Approval of minutes of previous board meeting (Chair).
  3. Discussion of pipeline report process (Ciolino).
  4. Discussion of monthly report from the Office of Inspector General (Chair).
  5. Discussion of monthly report from the Office of Independent Police Monitor (Chair).
  6. Discussion of annual evaluations of IG and IPM (Doucette, Sanders, Brooks), and responses of OIG and OIPM.
  7. Discussion of expanding triennial evaluations of IG and IPM (Chair), and responses of OIG and OIPM.
  8. Ethics awards (Callia, Jefferson).
  9. Discussion and vote on Marcello/BGR recommendations (Chair, Ciolino).
  10. Discussion of board officer selection process (Chair).
  11. Report of Executive Administrator and General Counsel (Chair).
    • Report on status of RFP for executive search firm for new Inspector General.
    • Report on status of creation of ethics trainer classified position.
  12. Executive Session. Discussion of investigative proceedings regarding allegations of misconduct pursuant to La. Rev. Stat. § 42:17(A)(4).
  13. Adjournment (Chair).

For a PDF version of the agenda, including all monthly reports and other attachments, click here: Agenda for March 8, 2021 ERB Meeting.